10 German words used in English

English ‘borrows’ words from other languages such as French, Italian, German, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese and Spanish. Here are 10 German words used in English.

10 German words used in English 1
10 German words used in English
  1. Kindergarten : a school for infants
  2. Zeitgeist : the spirit of the times
  3. Wunderkind : an exceptionally talented child
  4. Angst: anxiety, worry
  5. Uber: above (other things / exceptional)
  6. Poltergeist: ghost
  7. Doppelgänger : someone who is identical to another person
  8. Leitmotif : the main musical theme in a piece of music
  9. Kitsch : overly sentimental, vulgar,

See also

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